Common Questions

What is “gifted?”

  • Giftedness is exceptional intellectual abilities and potential for achievement that requires specially designed instruction and/or services beyond those normally provided in the general classroom instruction.

What grade does a child have to be in to be tested for the gifted program in the state of West Virginia?

  • Students can be tested during and are served in grades 1-8.

How do children begin the testing process for gifted education?

  • A general education teacher or parent generally initiate the process. However, anyone who works with the student may make the referral. A teacher would start a SAT (Student Assistance Team) while a parent would write a note or email to the school stating that they would like to request testing for gifted education for their child. This would then result in a SAT meeting where testing is formally requested with an 80 day timeline.

What happens during the 80 day timeline?

  • A full individual initial evaluation is conducted. After which, all parties will meet again to discuss and determine the student’s eligibility for gifted services.

What are some traits of a gifted child?

  • While all children are different and therefore may demonstrate their giftedness in different ways, there are some traditional characteristics which may stand out. WVAGT created a checklist to help parents and teachers who are considering referring children for gifted testing. No child will have all of the boxes checked. However, if you find that you can check off about half of the boxes or more, gifted testing may be something to consider. Go to the “Resources” page of our website to access the checklist.